Registered Keying Systems


When it comes to your house key, you’d probably be relieved to find out that getting a copy made is easy. Accidentally locking yourself outside is a problem that can be fixed without a problem, but with a registered keying system, this wouldn’t be the case.

What is a registered keying system?

Put simply, it gives you total control over who has a copy of your key. This isn’t very common for households, but many businesses choose to make use of the system.

How do I know no other keys will be cut?

The major benefit of having your keys registered in your business is knowing exactly how many copies of your keys exist, and who has access to them. While it is possible for extra keys to be cut, it will only be allowed if the locksmith with which the keys are registered are presented with certain signatures. Without these permissions, the locksmith would be required to refuse the cutting of a new key. Alongside this, only the locksmith the keys are registered with would be able to create new copies of the keys. As a result of this, your premises or property would be much more secure – with much less chance of a break-in.

Are registered keys more expensive than regular keys?

Keys manufactured under the registered keying system are only slightly more expensive than standard keys, and they require a small amount of labour on the park of the locksmith. Any existing locks have to be installed with new barrels and cylinders as simply rekeying them wouldn’t do the job. Occasionally, locks may have to be replaced all together in order to accommodate the registered cylinder required.

What kinds of businesses use a registered keying system?

Registered key systems are used by a variety of businesses to ensure safety and security to their premises and belongings. In the past, we have installed registered keying systems in schools, community groups, churches, residential premises, apartment buildings, strata complexes, and yacht clubs.

Should I have a registered keying system?

If you’re interested in ensuring that you have full control of the keys pertaining to your business, and you want to enhance security by knowing how many keys there are and who has access to them, as well as knowing you have the final say in whether new keys are cut, a registered keying system could be perfect for you and your business.

To find out more, contact us today on 0401 416 706 or via our website.


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